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Yen-Fu Chen, Sylvia Janicki (2020, Dec). A Cognitive-Based Board Game with Augmented Reality for Older Adults: Development and Usability Study. JMIR Serious Games, 8(4):e22007. (SCIE, 2021 Impact Factor: 4.14 reported by Clarivate Analytics).
楊朝陽、康仕仲、陳彥甫、林喬茵、王嫊淩、林怡萱(2018年12月)。以「設計導向學習」模式初探智齡設計課程。科學教育學刊 (TSSCI),26(S),頁399-418。
Mohd Shahrizal Dolah, Chris Rust, Ahmad Rizal Abdul Rahman, Saiful Hasley Ramli, and Yen-Fu Chen (2018, Jun). PRACTICE-LED: DESIGNING THROUGH MAKING. ALAM CIPTA : International Journal of Sustainable Tropical Design Research and Practice (Scopus), 11(1), 9-15.
Chen, Yen-Fu, Creating Meaningful Bodily Expression in Virtual Worlds: Inquiring Methods for Designers, PhD thesis, Sheffield Hallam University, 2014.
Yen-Fu Chen. Cognitive-based Collaborative Board Game with Augmented Reality for Seniors. Sustainable Innovation in Education and Technology (Volume 3) - Education and Awareness of Sustainability: Proceedings of the 3rd Eurasian Conference on Educational Innovation 2020 (ECEI 2020) (ISBN: 978-981-122-935-0). Singapore: World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd.. Nov., 2020: 211-214.
陳彥甫, 姚彥廷, 洪嘉妙(2023年12月)。應用Beacon科技於失智長輩用認知康復穿戴式裝置及數位內容之設計與開發。2023第16屆跨域設計產學暨台灣數位媒體設計國際研討會。最佳論文獎。
李孟璇, 陳彥甫(2023年12月)。符合手機呈現及操作之水利防災教育互動網站設計。2023第16屆跨域設計產學暨台灣數位媒體設計國際研討會。最佳論文獎。
傅翊棋, 陳彥甫, 蔡孟涵, 吳孟璇, 張禎晏, 陳奕竹(2023年12月)。以視覺分析法設計地震防災教育電子書之互動介面設計研究。2023 第16屆跨域設計產學暨台灣數位媒體設計國際研討會。最佳論文獎。
蔡孟涵、陳彥甫、連杉利、李佳昕、洪五爵、李孟學、游濟華、張禎晏(2023年12 月)。數位防災學習模組。2023年臺灣災害管理研討會。
張禎晏、蔡孟涵、陳彥甫、陳奕竹、傅翊棋(2023年12月)。我國義務教育防災 教育電子書開發與應用成果。2023年臺灣災害管理研討會。
Yen-Fu Chen, Shih-Tsun Chung, Chaw-Mew Hung, Yen-Ting Yao (2022, Dec). Designing Cognitive Toy for the Elders with Dementia to Maintain the Cognitive Function. The 2022 Asia Pacific Regional Conference of Alzheimer’s Disease International (ADI-APRC 2022), Taipei, Taiwan.
陳彥甫、姚彥廷、洪嘉妙(2022年11月)。以人本設計方法為失智長輩開發認知康復裝置。2022 台灣感性學會暨台灣數位媒體設計學會國際研討會。臺東,臺灣(最佳論文獎)
陳彥甫、吳思儒、蘇泰元(2022年11月)。以使用者經驗設計開發公民科學行動應用程式-以「蛙抵家」為例。2022 台灣感性學會暨台灣數位媒體設計學會國際研討會。臺東,臺灣。
吳思儒、陳彥甫、方偉達(2021年10月)。應用AR 技術於河川人文與生態教育—以新店溪流域為例。2021國際濕地大會。臺北,臺灣
Saiful Hasley Ramli, Mohd Shahrizal Dolah, Raja Azmeer Raja Effendi, Yen-Fu Chen, Chao-Yang Yang, Yi-Chu Fu (2021, Aug). Iceberg© Online: Applying Physical Creativity Integration Tool into Online Class. Design Decoded 2021 International Conference on Design Industries and Creative Culture.
陳彥甫、楊朝陽、李懿純、林喬茵、傅翊棋(2020年05月)。X或Y?設計思考苗圃工作坊類型的教學實踐省思。2020 苗圃計畫期末成果發表跨域教學國際論壇。
Yen-Fu Chen (2019, Dec). Developing a Cognitive Board Game with Augmented Reality for the New Generation of Seniors. 2019 International Conference on Design with Intelligence and Humanity (ICDIH 2019).
Yumin Zheng, Yen-Fu Chen (2019, Jul). Creating a Dynamic Difficulty Adjustable Game for Elderly People. TASS International Conference on Recent Innovation in Social Sciences, Economics and Business Management (RSEBM), Taipei, Taiwan.
Yen-Fu Chen, I-Chen Lee (2018, Sep). Study on 1960s ,1970s and 1980s Products as Nostalgic Objects for the Development of the Elderly Game. International Conference on the Humanities, Social Sciences and Sustainability - ICOHS 2018, Tokyo, Japan.
Yen-Fu Chen (2017, Aug). The Effects of Materials on the Game Prototype: Applying Wood Artefacts and 3D Printing Artefacts in the Game Testing. International Conference on Education, Psychology, and Social Sciences - ICEPS 2017.
Chia-Hua Lin, Yen-Fu Chen (2016, Jun). Participatory action research: Rethinking the differences between design strategies in Taiwan and Japan - Using the"Disaster Prevention&Reconstruction+Design Workshop"as an example. The 63rd Annual Conference of JSSD, Ueda, Japan.
Yen-Fu Chen, Chia-Hua Lin (2016, Jun). A review on creativity tools used in participatory action research and its design activities - Using a cross-border workshop as an example. The 63rd Annual Conference of JSSD, Ueda, Japan.
Ying-Chia Tang, Yen-Fu Chen (2016, Jun). Creating Meaningful Desks in the Bedrooms - LEGO as the design tool for co-design. The 63rd Annual Conference of JSSD, Ueda, Japan.
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